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  • Writer's pictureKayla Fraga

Chasing a White Rabbit

Oh, Mr. Rabbit?

Won’t you come my way

It’s true I’ve been lookin’

and I can’t quite...

put my finger on it

but I want you to stay

You want nothing

to do with me, you say?

Well, it’s true I have

spent my time with

Mr. Caterpillar

a good share

and some with

Mr. March Hare and

a Mad Hatter,

and even the Duchess

I try not to discriminate

If you know what I mean

You say you want

nothing to do with me

And, it’s true if it says

Eat Me! or

Drink me!

greedy hands will reach

And I’ll have it my way

If it don’t say poison

No harm in eating

a mushroom, sure!

Eat Me!

Drink me!

They all say

I’m just trying to keep up

Growing every which way

You say you want

nothing to do with me

Your eyes look

around so frantic

I can see

you’re trying to get away

Running off to something

better, more important

and all I want

is you to stay

It is true I’ve fallen down

the Rabbit Hole…

Perhaps Mr. White Rabbit

With your petty coat

and pocket watch

Prim and proper

lovely as ever

Could you show me the way?

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